Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Swine Flu...YUCK!

We are officially back in the land of the living! Matthew has been 24 hours without fever. He is so ready to go back to school. I met with the kids teachers yesterday and they are both doing great. Of course that is always expected with Mia but I was so worried about Buddy. His teacher said he has been wonderful and that he is VERY smart. I knew that...=)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Macy's Drawings


Grandma Judy



Lat night macy drew a picture of all of us on her etch a are the pics.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Sickness at the Rountree House

I went to wake Buddy this morning and noticed he felt really warm. I checked his temp and sure enough he had a fever. Justin took the girls to school and day care and I took Matthew to the doctor. Sure enough, he has the flu...yes, H1N1. His doctor did not send the test in to be cultured because she is 99% sure it is H1N1. Every single case they have been sending in has come back positive. There are MANY confirmed cases at the school and a few at the day care. He is in good spirits, just has a cough and is tired. Right this minute he is actually making a list of what he wants for his birthday. A toy, chocolate milk, water gun, bb gun, and a tent. He is so silly! Justin and I are doing all we can to keep the girls from getting it, but please keep us all in your prayers.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Big School, as we like to call it!

Let me give you alittle background before I tell you the good news. In kindergarten, you get a color every day. Purple is the very best you can get and you have to answer hard questions and behave all day to get it. Green means you had a good behavior day, blue means you were warned about your behavior, yellow means you were not good at all, and red means you had to go to the office.

They also do some sort of sticker incentive for each child as well as for each table of kids. Last week Matthew (aka Buddy) got 18 stickers for himself and had the most in the entire class. His table also got the mist stickers for the week. That meant that he got to pick 2 prizes from the prize box.

Almost all week Buddy has come home with purple. Today he came home and there was a note that said "three purple questions" and a smiley face. I a, so proud of my Buddy! Mia got a progress report last week also and is making straight A's in 4th grade. I guess all of the hard work they are putting in is paying off. Yeah for Mia and Buddy!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Mom and Dad

What a cute couple!

An Afternoon of Entertainment

Whoopie Cushion fun...

Mia's birthday was Sunday and she got to go spend time with her horses, Cookie and Candy. Her passion these days is riding. She is taking handling and riding lessons once a week. She used to tell me when she was little that we needed to put a horse in the back yard. While they are not in our back yard, they are kept on Memaw and Papaw's land and she goes to take care of them as much as possible.